Sunday, January 15, 2023

#Dungeon23 Dry Run Week 2

I just realized I never posted the second week of my dry run for #Dungeon23! 

Here's the link to Week 1 of the Poisonous Vaults

8. This statue filled hall hung with shields and banners taken from the Medusa's victims. Most statues are damaged. Every time the room is entered, the statues will have shifted position within the room. None are wearing shoes. 

8a. The Medusa store their collected loot in this chamber. 17,000sp, 5,000gp is all stashed in the various footwear taken from their victims. There are more shoes than victims. 

9. Empty plinth in west alcove. Small chamber to the north is a dusty guard room. Levers in guard room unlock the gates, but only one gate can be unlocked and opened at a time. 

10. White marble pillars veined in blood garnet with rings of brass spikes radiating out of them are set at every 3' the length of each pillar. Walls are covered in mosaics of chaos warriors marauding. Hidden behind the mosaic on the north wall is a chest with 4,000sp & 600gp.

11. The well from Room 2 continues through a collapsed corner of the floor. Anyone over 100lbs who steps within 10' of the collapsed section will cause the floor beneath them to fall on a roll of 1 or 2 on a d6. 

12. A large circular table dominates the room with 12 ornate chairs around it. The table is set with fine china and silverware (200gp total value, fragile). The door to the north is locked, the key is in the lock. 

13. Lounge. Large hookah (1,000gp, fragile) sits in the middle of the room. The floor is piled high with pillows with 3 Medusa relaxing on them. The air is thick with pungent and poisonous (to mammals) smoke (-4 to rolls if save vs poison is failed). 

14 Laboratory of Sthedo (Medusa, MU6). Among the various equipment, bottles, jars, cages, etc. is a small locked chest with The Heart Of Stone. A vial of poisonous gas (10' diameter cloud, save or incapacitated). Her spell book is covered in a contact poison (save or die). 


Heart of Stone - Magical anatomically correct heart shaped uncut garnet, can summon a 12HD earth elemental. 4 charges remain.

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