Friday, October 29, 2021

Finding A Weapons Master

I was talking with my co-DM about weapon trainers, wanting my character Nick to get some training, but there isn't anything that suggested how likely the PCs were to have on available locally. So, I came up with a chart. I'd had a half formed idea already, since several of my players have taken advantage of the weapon training rules, so this really just codified the idea. 

Keep in mind, the arrangement of weapons into the different categories is based on my campaign

Chance of finding a weapons trainer in a large town. Chances reduced 50% for small towns, and 75% for villages. Cities add 10% base chance shown below.

Teacher LevelCommonUncommonRareVery Rare
Grand Master10%5%3%1%

Common WeaponsUncommon WeaponsRare WeaponsV. Rare Weapons

Axe, HandCrossbow, HeavyBlackjackBlowgun

Axe, BattleHammer, ThrowingLanceBola

Bow, ShortHammer, WarTridentShield Weapons

Bow, LongStaffCestus

Crossbow, LightJavelinNet


MaceSword, Bastard

DaggerSword, 2 Handed


Sword, Short

Sword, Normal


Thrown Objects (rocks, oil, holy water, etc)



  1. So is it a 'one and done' chance? Or can they recheck after some appropriate interval of time?

    1. No, I figure that the check came be made every month or season, depending on how much traffic the location gets.


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