I dry brushed all the metal bits with Warpaints Armor (a dark silvery color), did a little highlighting on the red, weathered the leather with sepia wash, and cleaned up the wood on the various weapons and shields.

Then it was flocking time, starting with coffee grounds for texture so that the flock didn't look super flat on the base. It really makes the base of the mini painfully obvious. It's less a problem when I but the base off, but I didn't bother for these minis.

Then, after the coffee grounds had a day to dry, it was time for the flock.

And then a second application for the spots that didn't cover like I wanted. And here they are all finished. As is the case with table top quality minis, there's more I could do, but I'm ready to move onto the next project... whatever that ends up being.
Total Minis Painted in 2019: 21
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