“We can catch them in the brush, take out their mounts, drag them down before they can react.” Sgt. Grug suggested.
“The unarmored ones need to be watched. One might be a spellslinger.” Korloth warned.
“It’s been a while since we had horse meat... “ one of the troopers grinned, practically drooling at the thought.
“We have to bring them to Captain Garr’Nith ‘with all due speed.’ We don’t have time for the horses.” Master Sgt. Gor’eth reminded them.
“Do we have to kill them then?” Grug asked.
The furry hulking form nodded. “Fine. Sweep them off the mounts, try not to startle or kill the horses.”
With surprising grace, the massive bugbears slipped away from their camp toward the little traveled path.

Bugbear Shock Troopers
Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 3+2
Move: 90 (30)
Attacks: 1 weapon
Damage: 2d4+2
No. Appearing: 2d4
Save As: F4
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: (P+Q) B
Intelligence: 9
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 50
Monster Type: Humanoid, Common
Bugbears, who often work as the “muscle” of a goblin tribe, when raised in a more orderly hobgoblin force are better equipped and trained, and can rival (small) ogres in their size. Due to their innate ability to sneak in spite of their size, they’re used by hobgoblin generals to sneak around to the flank or rear of an opposing force, and cause a shocking amount of destruction/disruption.
Bugbear shock troopers are armed with a variety of large weapons that can be used one or two handed that can cleave or crush the average orc or human in a single blow.
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