Monday, March 10, 2025

Mini-Reviews: Venom, Jurassic World, Indiana Jones, & Godzilla! The Sequels!

Another set of airplane movies for review, this time the direct sequel reviews!

Venom last dance 
Look, this was never going to be high cinema. The Venom movies are fucking goofy, and this one is that. If you aren't into this duo's homoerotic symbiosis, violence, and just over the top silliness, I don't know what you're even looking at the 3rd movie in this series for.

Indiana Jones dial of destiny
After The Crystal Skull, I did not go into this with high expectations, but... damn. They did it. They made old Indiana Jones work, they still made the Nazis the bad guys, and brought back other characters in a way that works. This was really good.

Jurassic World: Domination
This is another one that exceeded my expectations. I wasn't a big fan of the earlier installments of Jurassic World, but I actually like how they addressed the world building here. What does the reintroduction of dinosaurs into the modern world look like? Messy. Also, just like Indiana Jones above, and the Ghostbusters reboot, the return of the original trio of characters was great. Honestly this whole movie was a bunch of nostalgia bait, and callbacks. Do I wonder what the dinosaurs in the caves or the subway were eating? Sure. Do I really care? No.

Godzilla: King of the Monsters

While a sequel, I haven't actually seen any of the other movies in the monster universe series. Did I feel like I was missing out on anything? Not even a little. It's a giant monster movie, the plot is simple and clearly explained. It was fun, and good enough that I'm kinda interested in seeing the other movies in the series. 

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