Monday, March 17, 2025

Mini-Reviews: Annihilation, Jupiter Ascending, 65

This was an interesting, kinda artsy movie, full of beautiful visuals, and characters that should have been more interesting than they were. I kept expecting the movie to pay off, but in the end it just didn't do it for me. 
I did appreciate that it was basically an all woman team, that they were all competent professionals (well, maybe not the team leader/psychologist. She needed her own therapist.) but I had a hard time caring about them, especially Natalie Portman's character. All in all it just fell flat. 

Jupiter Ascending
Yet another pretty movie with some really interesting ideas that the movie just barely touches on. There's so much interesting world building that is mentioned, hinted at, and... largely ignored. The story itself was bland, and yes Channing and Mila and Eddie are all very pretty and nice to look at, but man did it leave me wanting SO MUCH MORE. Someone give me a setting book for this universe and I'll happily run a sci-fi game set in it.


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