Saturday, March 1, 2025

February ‘25 In Review

I spent most of the month in China! It was an amazing trip and we only just got back. There was so much to see and do… in the 3 weeks we were there, I think only a couple of days did i fail to hit 10,000 steps and most days it was closer to 20,000.

I hope one day my minis and terrain can be displayed in a museum...

This is a pile of hundreds of copper coins at a museum in Shenzen.

Overall the trip was amazing. I saw so many cool things, ate such good food, and am feeling so inspired for world building right now.

None, for the above reasons. However I did get a chunk of time to do some world building. I brought some worksheets for the #Hex25 project I'd planned on starting, and then didn't. While in China I pulled them out, along with my #Dungeon25 notebook, and then mostly just ended up making a lot of world building notes in the notebook, rather than trying to use the sheets.

I wrapped up a couple of minis that I started in January, but mostly, again because of the trip, not much progress. I have been weirdly thinking about painting more Games Workshop minis. The Emperor's Champion has been calling out to me...


Fungus infected troll in progress

Frostgrave Wraith

Media - spending 36ish hours on a plane means getting to watch lots of movies. I'm going to be posting some mini-reviews of some of these over the month.
Letterkenny S7
Ghostbusters afterlife
Venom last dance
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
Indiana Jones dial of destiny
Ghostbusters Frozen Empire
Jurassic world: domination
Jupiter Ascending
Chang an
Fast times at ridgemont high
Polite society
Godzilla: King of the Monsters
Scavengers Reign eps 1 & 2

Aside from some souvenirs from China, nothing game related in February. I know I've got some stuff that'll be arriving in March though. 

Goals for March
Keep up with all session reports
Recover from international travel