Friday, October 25, 2024

Rappan: Purple Shrooms and Dragonnes

Session 264 was played on 9/8/24

Nick, Fighter 7 (Me)
Borumar, ½ Orc Thief (Josh)
Blotto, Goblin Fighter (Lanse)
Morgana, wizard (Rob)
Koltic, Cleric 7 (NPC)
Aroon, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Jameth, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Lor’Koth, Dwarf 5 (NPC)

After Looting the lizardmen bodies of their gold, Morgana and Koltic start talking about how they can use the final vial of the Water of Life to seal the passage down to the alien ritual site.

Meanwhile, the party goes to check out the stinky passage. Growing near the entrance were some mushrooms. Blotto smushes one into a wiggling troll larynx, and it stops wiggling. Lor’Koth takes one of the mushrooms, sniffs it, and then pops it into his mouth. A moment later he sinks to the floor, and starts drooling purple spit. Blotto tells his companions about goblin “human-tales” relating to little girls and mushrooms, and how the lesson is to leave both alone.

Blotto bravely heads in with Jameth and Aroon close behind. They encounter the mushroomfolk within. While they have no language in common, but Blotto exchanges a troll larynx for a large lump of fungus. He then warns them that “a frankly terrifying wizard and acolyte are planning on blowing up the caves. You might want to leg it” The mushroomfolk raises its hand to its face, sticks the fingers into an orifice, and extends the fingers to Blotto. Blotto sticks his fingers up his nose, pulls out some snot and extends his hand. Blotto then takes the mushroom fingers into his own nose, and the mushroomfolk takes Blotto’s fingers and inserts them into its own orifice. Blotto feels weird tiny needle-like pricks in his flesh. Blotto, Aroon, and Jameth depart. Blotto starts to see dragons in the green fungus of the walls start to move in stop motion.

Leaving Blotto and Lor’Kth to enjoy their chemically altered state, Nick, Jameth, Aroon, and Borumar head back to the dragonne balcony. Currently empty, with a big nest off to one side, they check it out. Nick tosses a rock to the nest, and a dragonne head pops out, and roars at the party, deafening them. It leaps out and bites Nick, twice, and Nick drops. Aroon and Jameth hack into it, it mauls Aroon, and then Borumar blasts it with his bow, killing it. Borumar dumps a healing potion down Nicks throat, while Aroon and Jameth check out the nest. There’s a dragonne cub within. Jameth and Aroon crawl into the nest to grab it for Morgana, and then there’s a roar! Aroon gets his foot caught and can’t get out of the next. Jameth, Nick and Borumar run for the door with the cub. Aroon ducks down, hoping to avoid notice as the cub cries out in distress.  

Gains: dragonne cub
Kills: dragonne

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