Friday, October 18, 2024

Rappan: Alien Cultists Playground

Session 262 was played on 8/25/24

Nick, Fighter 7 (Me)
Borumar, ½ Orc Thief (Josh)
Blotto, Goblin Fighter (Lanse)
Morgana, wizard (Rob)
Koltic, Cleric 7 (NPC)
Aroon, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Jameth, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Lor’Koth, Dwarf 5 (NPC)

With the alien cultists dead, the party had a chance to look around the room. The most notable feature, aside from the 4 big bodies and the smoking cauldron, was a doorway glowing with orange light. Various things were tossed at it, including bits of the aliens (they bounced off) bits of the dead priests (they went through) bits of dead troll larynx (bounced) coins (bounced) goblin pee (splashed back). Deciding not to explore that, they head back to the wire covered doorway. Thankfully no metal spider had shown up to re-web it during the fight.

The party spends a bit of time looking at the weird obelisk. Lor’Koth doesn’t recognize the stone its made from, and tries to break off a piece. Eventually he does, but it crumbles to sand. No one can read the writing. Beyond the obelisk room, they come to another chamber with a weird blue grey crystal pyramid about 7’ tall. Electrical pulses can be seen in it. Morgana thinks at it hard, and the pulses clear, and reveal a view of dead alien cultists, priests of the blue lord, and a glowing orange door… Aroon tries and sees the deep dark void of space. Lor’Koth sees nothing, and can’t chip off a sample of the crystal.

Further along they come to a chamber with abstract metal forms (sculptures?) with plaques (?) and in the middle of the room on the floor a circular iris like hatch. Lor’Koth bangs it with a hammer. It rings nicely. They manage to pry it open, revealing a 20’ drop and a passage out to the east. Borumar checks it out. It quickly leads to a room with way too many holes in the walls and ceiling to be anything but a death trap. He comes back to the sculpture room, and the party tries one of the other passages out.

Following the long hallway, they round a turn and come to a long wide room with a raised path down the middle, and along the north and south sides are a swampy mess. The stairs down to it are covered in precious materials, and Lor’Koth gets to removing it. While he’s at it, Blotto goes fishing in the swamp and hooks a shambling mound. Lor’Koth ignores the fight, while the fighters take down the soggy monster.

Gains: precious material from steps
Kills: shambling mound

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