Saturday, June 1, 2024

May ‘24 In Review

I really want June to be a chill month, but it isn’t going to be, not with a work trip right in the middle of it, followed by a short vacation since I’m already out of town.

But before looking ahead to that, May was another busy month. The first half of the month was swamped by the audit at work, and then the second half was spent catching up on all the work that was put on the back burner by the audit. In non-work busyness no major house projects, but some more work on the lawn. The clover in the back yard is coming up beautifully, but the wildflowers I planted in the front didn’t come in as well as I’d hoped. I just reseeded it with more wildflower seeds and mixed in some clover in case the wildflowers fail me again.

I did take a day off for myself where I binge watched Star Trek Prodigy and made a forest worth of trees for the gaming table (more on that below).

Got in a game of Necessary Evil. We managed to free and collect the supers that were trapped by the finheads, and destroyed a good chunk of the facility.
Our Stonehell/Rappan game, the party has FINALLY reached the temple that is our current mission, and made it into the oceanside caves. That only took a couple of months…
And finally I’m gearing up to run some D&D at the staff retreat again! I bought some more dice sets to give away, and need to start writing up some quick start characters.

Again, I didn’t finish the sc-ifi troopers this month. I did finish up almost all the minis from The Spiders of Emrith Kul (still need to do the halfling) and a rat swarm.
What I spent the majority of my hobby time on this month was my forest. 18 trees that as of the end of the month are all painted up, and now just need foliage. There’s going to be a long post about it soon-ish. 

Star Trek Prodigy S1 rewatch
Resident Alien
Star Trek Discovery
Delicious in Dungeon

Goals for June
Play scenario 3 for Hope Eternal (Realistically this is probably gonna be July, but who knows…)
Try to get at least 2 session reports written per week.
Wrap up some of the many projects on my hobby desk

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