Friday, September 20, 2024

Rappan Athuk: Into The Blue Lord's Temple

Session 255 was played on 5/26/24

Nick, Fighter 7 (Me)
Borumar, ½ Orc Thief (Josh)
Blotto, Goblin Fighter (Lanse)
Morgana, wizard (Rob)
Gimble, wizard (Scott)
Koltic, Cleric 7 (NPC)
Aroon, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Jameth, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Lor’Koth, Dwarf 5 (NPC)

Back on the road, and heading to the temple of the blue lord. The first day out of town was quiet, THe party made camp. It was a dark and froggy night, but the frogs kept to themselves.

The second day was gray, dreary, and wet. The party arrived in an abandoned hamlet in the late afternoon. A note nailed to a door says “If you can make a go of it, it’s yours.” Only one spot was showing any signs of life, the inn. The party, unsettled by the other abandoned buildings, checks it out. The large inn was bright and warm and empty but for the old innkeeper. He welcomed the party, and with little prompting told his tale, how the hamlet was once a very prosperous spot thanks to the nearby temple, and all the pilgrims who came to see it. But not too long ago there was the earthquake, and after disease, and death, and strange fish beings coming up from the ocean. Now it’s just him and his ailing wife… everyone else has left. Koltic visited the wife, and sadly there wasn’t much he could do for her.

While the tale left the party with a chill, the warm food, strong drinks, and roaring fire helped put them at ease, at least for the night. Koltic tossed and turned, and woke in the predawn hours overcome with a feeling of dread.

The party has a quick breakfast, gears up, and heads out, following the innkeeper’s directions. There are plenty of boats to choose from, so the party splits up into 3 of the large row boats, and sets off along the cliff.

They come to a pair of sea caves, and begin to explore. They pause when the magic lights go out. Lighting some torches, Morgana lets loose with a fireball… that sputters out. Then something hits the boats from below! Fishmen! 8’ tall, with bubble helmets, they swarm the boats. The party quickly finds some semi-solid land to beach the boats on so that they can focus on fighting rather than drowning. It turns out that fighting on a sandbar isn’t all that much better than fighting on a boat, but at least the fishpeople were more interested in fighting the party than smashing the boats. The biggest one has a fancy opal necklace. And the cool tridents and 2 handed sword would make great trophies.

They return to the boats, and go deeper into the caves. In a side passage, they spy 3 floating orbs drifting toward the party. Nick thinks they’re blast spores, and not beholders, and tells everyone to shoot at them before they get too close. Thankfully, Nick was right.

Gains: opal necklace
Kills: 10 fishmen, 3 blast spores

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