Monday, February 22, 2021

Stonehell: Bad food, Bad Dining Company

Session 156 was played on 7/5

Eiric, Wizard 8 (Kat)
Karl, Dwarf 8 (Julia)
Boris, Cleric 5 (Jeff)
Morgana, Mage 5 (Reggie)
Daton, Fighter 4 (Jay)
Plus war dogs

Gathering their gear, the party returns to the hidden level via the caves to the bubble fountain room, then exploring around until they come to a room with a sphynx statue and some writing in an unknown language.

“The number of Hells is the key; to unravel a sharpened mystery.”

Probably would have come in handy prior to messing with the dome of magical swords…

Boris dusts some skeletons.

They find a banquet hall laid out for a full feast. Karl tries a slice of pie after he’s unable to convince Lady Eiric to summon a swarm of corgis. Daton throws pies and cakes out of the room, making a mess in the hallway while Karl collects the silverware from the table.

Nearby, the party encounters some large pigs eating… something that was humanoid. The pigs are rude to the party, insulting their smell, their ancestry, and their choice of sexual partners. Karl decides to charge in, the pigs charge back. Unfortunately for the pigs, their lack of armor was a problem, and 3 of 5 were quickly cut down. The other 2 are put to sleep and captured.

Gains: Silverware
Kills: Rude Pigs, skeletons

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