Wednesday, October 14, 2020

New Spell: Ward

Lady Morgana looked over the pair of recovered spell books set out on the makeshift table before her, well away from Lady Eiric's manor house... just in case. Both radiated the unmistakable energy of active spells just waiting to be triggered. Protective magics, but what? And what trigger?

With little to go on, she began to cast analyze, and settled her hands on the red leather cover of the book on the right. Pain flared in her hands. Magic held them to the cover, and she watched in horror as they blistered and burned as a green energy flowed over them. Moments, that felt like hours, it was over, and she yanked her acid burned hands away from the book in time to see a glyph fade from the cover. 


Magic User Spell, Level 2

Range: 0
Duration: Permanent until triggered
Effect: Protects something from being opened

When cast upon an object capable of opening (a door, book chest, etc.) a magical glyph will be inscribed upon it. The caster may make the glyph visible or invisible. When the item is opened by someone other than the caster, the Ward is triggered, causing 2d8 points of damage (save for half) from the caster's choice of energy type. This damage may not be healed magically. Each casting of this spell requires the use of specially prepared inks that cost 50gp.

Image source: RFlowers

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