You know what? Let’s give that a try!
The walls of this dusty little dungeon are all highly carved with angular geometric designs, while the floor is mosaicked in similar patterns in small 1” tiles. Scattered irregularly throughout are eyes of various sizes, carved or tiled in subtle ways throughout the dungeon. The longer the players are in the dungeon, the more they notice that the patterns seems to subtly shift, though they’ll never see it shifting. In the still air, they will hear very faint whispering, but never be able to make out the direction it’s coming from, or what’s being said.
- Spectator’s Lounge - Goldfish aquarium, table with tea set, area rug, 3 chairs and 1 odd stool, old tapestries.
- Spectator’s Lair - Nest of spider silk. Jar of glass eyes. Magic Jar of real eyes that move to look at anyone in the room. Jar preserves the eyes, and as long as the original owner of the eye lives, you can take out an eye from the jar and spend up to 1 minute using it to look through the owners other eye.
- Words - Insane ramblings, prophecies, and dire warnings in dozens of languages all carved and painted on the walls. Mostly illegible. Save vs. Wands (or wisdom save DC 15) or become fearful. Effect lasts until a save is successfully made, one attempt per day.
- Nothic lair - must pass a Save vs Spells (or fail a DC10 perception check) to see phased hallway. Lair contains the torn remains of various arcane tomes. 1d3 arcane spell scrolls can be recovered after 2d4 hours of effort.
- Giant illusionary eye opens 1d3 rounds after anyone enters the room. Anyone in the room while the eye is open must make a Save vs Paralysis (Charisma Save, DC 13). Failing the save has no effect… (or does it?)
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