As usual, Kagunk got a good wash and scrub with dish soap and a tooth brush, then hot glued onto a cork.

I removed the shield, and primed him with Brown Liner
The flesh was based with Ruddy Flesh, the eyes Linen White.
The armor was done with shadowed steel. The tunic fabric was painted with a combination of Imperial Purple and Icy Violet.
The face of the shield was basecoated with Dragon Red.

The Ruddy Flesh was brought up with Linen White, while Dragon Red was used on the leather, and then both the leather and armor were washed with Bloodhowl's homemade Armor Wash. The scabard was painted with IMEF Olive.
The red was brought up with Fire Red, and then Phoenix Red. The holes of the face painted with Pale Green, Alien Goo, Neon Yellow, and a blend of Clear Green and Clear Yellow.

The armor plates were done with tarnished brass, that was then washed with a thinned Clear Green. Not sure the effect is really noticeable.

The horn, skulls, and teeth were painted with Dirty Bone, while the wood of the club and shield were painted primarily with Woodland Brown washed with both Bloodhowl's Heavy Sepia and Armor.

Love this shield...
I'm really pleased with how he came out! Still need to do the base of course...
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