So, as there was nothing else, he's what I worked on. And while I generally prefer to stick with my Khorne army, this is a great sculpt! I started off with it already primed, so I just stuck it to a cork with hot glue, gave it a gentle wash to get rid of any dust or oils that might have gotten on it in the last decade.
I started with painting the over coat, waistcoat, and gaiters using IMEF Olive and Leather Brown. The plasma gun, powerfist, and other metalic bits were painted with armor, and the coils painted with emerald green. The purity seals were painted with... Buckskin maybe?
The olive and leather were brought up be mixing in some linen white. The purity seals, some of the backpack, the face mask, and hat band were done with Dragon Red, brought up with Fire Red. Details were picked out with Dragon Blue.
Yes, I even painted the eyeball that you can only see if the lighting is perfect, and the mini is held at exactly the right angle.
The grip on the gun was linen white. The golden colors were a mix of Dragon Copper, Dragon Gold, and Dwarven Gold, sometimes mixed with some homemade Armor Wash.
If I ever decide to run an imperial force, this guy is probably gonna be included!
Turned out very nice, love that miniature. I think I've got him hiding at the bottom of one of my many boxes of unpainted miniatures :(