Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Stonehell: Questions... and Answers

Session 274 was played on 11/24/24

Morgana, wizard 10 (Rob)
Borumar, Triton Thief 11 (Josh)
Blotto, Goblin Fighter 8 (Lanse)
Nick, Fighter 9 (Me)
Koltic, Cleric 9 (NPC)
Aroon, Fighter 8 (NPC)
Jameth, Fighter 8 (NPC)
Lor’Koth, Dwarf 8 (NPC)

Back in the sepulture, the party pauses to discuss their options. Do they really want to take on a powerful mage that they know next to nothing about? Should they take on the Three Eyed King? Since neither question had a good immediate answer, and didn’t need one, they teleported back to the manor.

Kicking back for a couple of days, they then return to Stonehell, heading to Rocky for some answers.
Q1: Do you know anything about the plated Mage?
A1: Yes
Q2: Please describe the strengths and weaknesses of the Plated Mage
A2: He is undead, and physically weak
Q3: How can we destroy him, and banish him forever?
A3: Lightning and other electrical powers

Having the best answers they think they can get, they return again to the manor to prep… But prep for what??


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