Session 3 was played on 8/22
Dramatis Personae:
Io the Thief
Wannabe Gizzard the Wizard
Tiptoe the Thief
Venus the Halfling
Starting in the tavern, feeling flush from the wyvern’s treasure, the party hires the 3 caravan guards who are between jobs, and willing to follow the party off to the caves. Norwood, Barin, and Harmyr are hopeful that the adventurer’s luck continues.
Taking the Old King’s Road, they head to the box canyon and to the goblin cave on the southern side. Almost immediately they’re confronted with 6 goblin guards. The fighting is chaotic, and the party begins to back track almost immediately after Norwood drops. Things are looking better as they get back to the cave mouth and half the goblins are down, but then Barin takes a nasty hit and drops. The remaining goblins suffer a string of bad luck and drop right after Barin goes down. Harmyr and the thieves grab the bodies of Norwood and Barin and start making for the exit of the canyon.
Their escape is interrupted when 6 more goblins come out of the cave, and start tossing spears and loosing arrows at the party. They drop the bodies of their fallen and book it back to the road.
The party makes it back to the keep, and has a somber dinner. Their spirits are lifted by a visiting priest who joins them for some lively conversation. His acolytes are less jovial, having taken a vow of silence. In the end the priest excuses himself, as he needs to converse with the castilian. It isn’t until after he’s left the tavern that the barkeep informs the party that the priest left them to pay his bill. If nothing else, they do hear a rumor about some lost magical armor hidden on one of the southern caves.
Losses Norwood, Barin
Kills: 6 goblin guards
DM Notes: So many 1s were rolled on both sides…. SO MANY!!
Friday, November 29, 2024
Caves of Chaos: Goblin Guards
Monday, November 25, 2024
Stonehell: Slime Trolls!
Session 271 was played on 11/3/24
Morgana, wizard (Rob)
Borumar, Triton Thief (Josh)
Blotto, Goblin Fighter (Lanse)
Nick, Fighter 7 (Me)
Koltic, Cleric 7 (NPC)
Aroon, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Jameth, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Lor’Koth, Dwarf 5 (NPC)
The party wraps back around to the southwest corner of the sewers. Along the way they’re confronted with a trio of slime dwarves sloshing their way in the muck. Nick and Borumar are hit by them. Blotto pees on them. The fight is quick and they drop after 2 hits each.
They make their way to the closed door marked on the map, and find a pitch black room. The slime troll hands that reach out of the darkness only manage to graze the party before Morgana dispells the darkness, and the party uses their weapons while Morgana and Koltic use flaming oil to make sure the trolls stay hurt. Investigating the room they find 3 mostly intact corpses of adventurers, and a decent haul of treasure. They take the corpse to use Speak with Dead to see what they know.
On the way back to the hermitage the party sees a trio of green slimes on the ceiling of the passage ahead. Morgana fills it with fire.
Gains: coins, gems, jewels
Kills: Green slimes, slime trolls, slime dwarves
Friday, November 22, 2024
Stonehell: Sewer cleanup
Session 270 was played on 10/28/24
Morgana, wizard (Rob)
Borumar, Triton Thief (Josh)
Blotto, Goblin Fighter (Lanse)
Nick, Fighter 7 (Me)
Koltic, Cleric 7 (NPC)
Aroon, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Jameth, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Lor’Koth, Dwarf 5 (NPC)
The party continues their exploration of the sewers, heading to the area the area Morgana marked on the map as “death pits” due to the concentration of ochre jellies in the bottom of it. Borumar checks the room, avoiding the pits themselves, but the jellies begin to slowly crawl out. Borumar, on the far side of the room, heads up the corridor out of blast radius, and Morgana tries to fry them with a Lightning bolt. After it bounces back and forth inside the room, the jellies are unimpressed. Morgana drops a fireball on them. That would have impressed them, had they survived.
Blotto checks out the bottom of the watery pit and finds a weird wolf-ish skull with too many eye sockets. Borumar, returning to the room once his ears stop ringing, also checks out the pit and finds a waxed leather bag with a stash of mostly gold coins.
Heading to the south they reach the crude barrier blocking the way, and talk to the Morlock hiding on the other side. It takes some convincing, but they get him to come out and follow the party so that they can get him somewhere safer, away from the oozes and the reach of the vrylia. They head back north and come to a pit covered with a bridge. In the pit are a bunch of black puddings. Morgana fireballs them, and when that isn’t quite enough, the party drops some flaming oil in to finish them off.
Gains: 21gp
Kills: Ochre jellies, Black puddings
Monday, November 18, 2024
Caves of Chaos: Donkeys & Dragons
Session 2 was played on 6/12/24
Dramatis Personae:
Glyn the Dwarf
Berm the Fighter
Thorin Oakenshield the Dwarf
Io the Thief
Wannabe Gizzard the Wizard
Lighter the Fighter
Fraud the Dwarf
Trina the Elf
Tiptoe the Thief
Poppy the Barbarian
Sighting of a dragon in the nearby hills got everyone at the Keep talking. Several smaller caravans and lone wagons have gone missing nearby. The speculation is that it might be lairing at the old abandoned watchtower. Our bold adventurers decide not only to go face this dragon, but to bring along every able bodied individual in the tavern willing to go with them. For extra gold they managed to convince 4 caravan guards to take their day off and spend it dragon hunting! 2 specialists (thieves) and an elf also tag along. The party also bought a donkey and half a dozen chickens. I thought the donkey was to help them bring the dragon’s treasure back, but I was wrong.
Heading up into the wooded hills north of the Keep, the party kept a lookout for the dragon. They spotted the watchtower and approached carefully. Sending the sneaky ones ahead to scout, the rest keep watch on both the tower and the sky…
The thieves make it to the base of the ruined tower without attracting the notice of the dragon… Easy to do since it wasn’t home! One thief climbed a nearby tree to get a look at the top of the tower, and built on it was clearly a nest. The ruined tower was easy to climb, and the thieves scaled it and began to dig around in the nest. The rest of the party went to the base of the tower to collect whatever the thieves could toss down. A few of the hirelings kept the donkey and some chickens nearby, but away from the base of the tower.
As the thieves started tossing all the gold and gems they could find over the edge of the tower, the rest of the party scrambled to pick it up and bag it. They were working fast, and managed to find a decent haul before the dragons roar echoed across the hillside. The thieves ducked down, trying to keep out of sight. Under the trees, the hirelings with the animals started making a ruckus to get the dragon’s attention, and set the donkey to run. The dragon roared and chased after the animal, and as soon as it had passed the adventurers and their meatshields, they all took off running in the opposite direction away from where the donkey and dragon ran. As they ran, they could hear the scream of the donkey end abruptly.
The party’s plan worked, and they’d made off with a good chunk of the wyvern’s (not a true dragon) treasure.
Gains: roughy 1500ep, 1500gp
Losses donkey and chickens
There was a minor interruption during the game, as a bat managed to get into the building and several players worked together to make sure the doors and windows were opened to let the poor creature escape.
Friday, November 15, 2024
The Caves of Chaos! Session 1
Back in June at a work retreat I ran a couple of evening sessions of B/X D&D for my coworkers. At the end of July we picked back up again, and I’ve been running a near weekly session since. At the time I’m writing this, we’ve played through 11 sessions. All of my players are novices, never having played an RPG before,
My introduction to them was that this is an old school game where death is pretty common if you’re stupid or unlucky, that success is measured by gold far more than by bodies, and that there is a literal war being fought by civilization and the forces of law against the agents of chaos, and while this battle is largely fought by beings like angels and demons, the efforts of mortals can shift the balance. That I would be starting the game on one of the borders between law and chaos, a Keep on the Borderlands. How they choose to play, and where they go in the world is entirely up to them. There is no plot line for them to follow, there is no story that they’re expected to adhere to, that I would be presenting them with NPCs, places, quest choices and that the tales that would be told of their adventures would depend on what actions they take, and the success or failure of those actions.
The first night there were over a dozen players and observers. The second was about half. Since then it ranges from 2-5 players, which isn’t bad given that we’re playing from 4:30-6pm on Thursday afternoons. I’m thrilled to be able to share this with my coworkers, and now I’m going to share their tales with you!
Session 1 was played on 6/10/24
Dramatis Personae:
Glyn the Dwarf
Berm the Fighter
Thorin Oakenshield the Dwarf
Io the Thief
Wannabe Gizzard the Wizard
Lighter the Fighter
Fraud the Dwarf
Trina the Elf
Tiptoe the Thief
Poppy the Barbarian
The party arrives at the Keep on the Borderland, and their first challenge is to get into the keep. The guards keeping watch question the party, logging their names and professions. They warn the self described “thieves” that antisocial behavior will not be tolerated within the walls of the keep, and to keep their noses clean. Also, maybe announcing to the town guard that you’re a thief is maybe not the best intro.
After getting some directions, they make their way to the inn and secure accommodations for the night, and then head to the tavern for food, drink, and rumors. They talk with a guard captain, learn about the Caves of Chaos, that there’s a local dragon that has been causing problems lately that they think is lairing up in the hills in an old ruined watch tower, and that there are both lizardmen in the swamps and bandits all around (10gp/bandit killed, 15gp for any brought back alive).
After lunch they explore the keep more, and try to visit the jeweler, but he doesn’t want to talk to them till they have something to sell, or enough cash to buy something, and isn’t letting them into his store.
The next morning they head out to the canyon. In a copse of trees the party hears someone. Wannabe tosses a vial of burning oil into the trees, and with an amazing stroke of luck manages to hit someone hiding in the brush! His screams echo in the canyon as he burns to death. A second human runs screaming from his burning friend and the party deeper into the canyon. THe party puts out the burning body and the brush that was starting to catch, and check the body, recovering a crude copper medallion inscribed with a 7 pointed star.
Heading up to one of the cave entrances on the north side of the canyon, and looking in see a wall of heads looking back. Within they hear someone speaking, though no one knows the language. Getting ready to head into the cave and turn east to the voices, they’re charged by 4 guards. The party manages to kill 2/4 in the initial assault. More orcs arrive from the other direction surprising the dwarf who was supposed to be keeping watch. The dwarf took 2 hits and dropped. Wannabe sleeps the still standing orcs to the west, while Poppy is cut down before Tiptoe and Berm cut down the last of the standing orcs.
The party quickly checks the pockets of the fallen orcs, grabs their fallen, and runs for the keep.
Gains: orc pocket change, copper medallion
Losses Poppy, Fraud
Kills: 8 orcs, 1 cultist
Thursday, November 14, 2024
Fuck Trump

Monday, November 11, 2024
Stonehell: Getting the tip of your pole slimy
Session 269 was played on 10/13/24
Morgana, wizard (Rob)
Borumar, Triton Thief (Josh)
Blotto, Goblin Fighter (Lanse)
Nick, Fighter 7 (Me)
Koltic, Cleric 7 (NPC)
Aroon, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Jameth, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Lor’Koth, Dwarf 5 (NPC)
Making sure Koltic is okay-ish, they check the next room, and find the gem floating in the middle of the room, along with 4 orbs containing a purple liquid. Blotto pokes at the gem with his 10’ pole, and it blips away. The decide to leave the purple orbs alone, and head back to the room with the pit and the grey oozes. Making sure there were no more oozes, they check the passage to the west. It opens to a pentagonal room completely covered in green algae, with an opening 20’ up on the far wall. Morgana casts Fly on Blotto, and he zooms around for a bit before going to check the 5’ square passage. He gets a shockingly underpowered lightning bolt to the face for his troubles. Blotto backs away back to the party, and after discussing what happened, Morgana makes the goblin invisible. Blotto flys back up, down the passage not encountering anyone. The passage opens into a large slime covered room that contains a bunch of barely holding together slime covered furniture. A cauldron gently bubbles away full of a thick off white fluid. Blotto uses his 10' pole to gently poke at the various things around the room, getting his pole slimy in the process, and then heads back. Near where the party waits for him, he writes out what he sees in the algae.
While Blotto uses his pole to write in the algae, Morgana feels a funny tingle all over. She casts Dispel Magic in the room with the algae, thinking that's where the effect is coming from. The only notable effect is to dispel Blotto’s invisibility and fly. He bellyflops down to the floor. Morgana feels the tingle again, and realizes her previous spell didn’t reach the overhead passage. She uses her wand to launch a fireball. There’s a scream of pain, followed by yet another lightning bolt at the whole party. It’s weirdly under-powered (SO MANY DAMNED 1s!!). Now though Morgana can see her target. A man, wrapped in slime covered robes… is oddly translucent. He’s made of… or has become made of slime! Morgana returns fire with a full strength fireball, and the slime wizard explodes into chunks of burning mucus.
The party takes a breather, grabs some mops and brooms from the dwarves and on their way back encounter a slime troll. Seeing how outnumbered it is, and after being taunted by Morgana and Blotto who flicks a larynx at it and asks “friend of yours?” The troll picks up the wiggling larynx, pops it in its mouth and starts to chew it like bubblegum, and departs. The party cleans their way to the ladder up to the 5’ passage 20’ up. Once in the slime room, they take their time exploring and eventually find the iron box in the cauldron with the Mucus Mage’s treasure and spellbook.
Borumar says” Obviously I should take the spellbook”
Nick replies “I look forward to seeing you try”
The party returns to the Hermitage to rest and let Morgana check out the spellbook and potions.
Gains: Spellbook, 1200gp in coins, and 3 potions.
Kills: Mucus Mage
Friday, November 8, 2024
Stonehell: Nobody wants an ooze to the face
Session 268 was played on 10/6/24
Morgana, wizard (Rob)
Borumar, Triton Thief (Josh)
Blotto, Goblin Fighter (Lanse)
Nick, Fighter 7 (Me)
Koltic, Cleric 7 (NPC)
Aroon, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Jameth, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Lor’Koth, Dwarf 5 (NPC)
Several days spent enjoying the hospitality of the dwarves while injuries are recovered from, and the dwarves share that their Vyrillia patron is apparently VERY interested in seeing the party, and getting her hands on the crown they promised her. The dwarves are incredibly concerned about anyone getting their hands on the crown. Morgana assures them that the crown is safe and no one is getting their hands on it.
Returning to the sewers they decide to start from the south western side of things and fill in the blanks from that side. They find some magically floating stilts… unfortunately for most members of the party they only fit the dwarf and the goblin. Borumar piggy backs on the goblin. Morgana flys. The rest of the party has to wade through the muck. Their first stop is a room with some smoothed over statues. Then around to large room that contains a giant uncut ruby floating 10’ off the floor. Sensing a trap, Morgana casts Dispel Magic on it, and the jewel pops out of sight. An extensive search of the room finds no traps or treasures.
Heading back down to some unchecked rooms, they find one with a pit trap in the middle. Blotto checks it out, sees some grey oozes on the ceiling and runs before they can drop on him. Morgana toasts the room with a fireball. The oozes are unimpressed. Missile fire takes care of the 2 that come crawling toward the party at the door. They missed the 3rd up on the ceiling still, and when Borumar goes to check the room, he looks up just as it drops down onto his face. The screams as the acid burns his face are blessedly muffled by the ooze itself. Morgana kills it with magic missiles. Koltic provides some healing for Borumar’s face.
Kills: Grey oozes
Monday, November 4, 2024
Stonehell: Gonna have to flush twice
Session 267 was played on 9/30/24
Morgana, wizard (Rob)
Borumar, Triton Thief (Josh)
Blotto, Goblin Fighter (Lanse)
Nick, Fighter 7 (Me)
Koltic, Cleric 7 (NPC)
Aroon, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Jameth, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Lor’Koth, Dwarf 5 (NPC)
Many months since the party had last spent any time in Stonehell, they use the ring to teleport everyone down to level 6 and into the Sepulcher of Kion. Poking about in the dusty halls they’re almost immediately set upon by a pair of 4 armed iron statues. The old magics animating them were no match for the fresh might of the party.
Departing the Sepulcher they make their way to the Hermitage, and check in with the dwarves. They continue on into the northern side of the sewers, and fill in more of the map. Borumar scouts and finds a giant slime python in a room with a clogged drain. Between Borumar’s bow and Morgana’s magic missiles, the slime creature is blasted apart.
Continuing deeper into the sewers, they find the center of the waterworks, a lumpy statue with chutes coming out of it. It makes a gurgling sound while they’re in the room, and out of their line of sight discharges something wet out the back side of the room. Morgana decides to encase the entire thing in ice. It doesn’t take long for the fountain to begin to groan, rattle, and as the party runs, finally explode.
They look at the ruins they created, and then head back to the Hermitage for rest. On the way, Blotto and Borumar are jumped by a black pudding, but a quick fireball Morgana’s wand takes care of that, Borumar ends up falling into the sewer. Koltic spends extra time making sure he doesn't have any diseases.
Gains: gems and a scarab
Kills: Black Pudding, Slime Python
Saturday, November 2, 2024
October ‘24 In Review
I started the month just getting over the first cold of the school year, and got the second cold a week and a half later. Sorry, scratch that, not a cold, bronchitis. 2 Weeks worth of coughing, mucus, shortness of breath. It SUCKED. It wasn’t COVID level suck, but it wasn’t good. In spite of that I managed to get the coffin done, as well as my kid’s costume. The spider isn’t going to happen this year, but I can work on it later.
I voted for Harris (and blue down the ballot) on the first day of early voting. I can’t wait for this electoral season to be over, but I’m also dreading it. Keeping my fingers crossed…
I am, amazingly, completely caught up with my Stonehell/Rappan session reports, and have started writing the Caves of Chaos game reports! Given how long I was literally 6 months behind on these posts, I’m really thrilled to have gotten it all up to date.
In the Stonehell game the party is busy in the sewers. They’ve been bopping back and forth between the mucky sewers and the Hermitage to rest and recover from their various ooze related injuries.
The Caves of Chaos game the party is busy poking around the caves. They’ve forced the Goblins to join up with the hobgoblins, and have succeeded in wiping out the first cave full of hobgoblins they’ve encountered. Looking forward to seeing how that progresses.
The last several years I’ve averaged around 60 or so minis painted in a year. I’m definitely past that already this year, and that isn’t even counting the 18 trees I made. I also had set myself a goal to paint an equal number of non-Reaper minis as Reaper minis. I haven’t quite kept it even, but even still it’s been a lot of non-Reaper minis this year so far, with a couple months to go!
What I actually got done this month included finishing up the Boulderkin minis , a couple of witches , and a necromancer and zombie. The necromancer and zombie are going to be part of a simple diorama, but the base is only just started.
Star Trek Prodigy season 2 rewatch
Star Trek Lower Decks
Agatha All Along (SO GOOD)
The Fly (1986)
Fight Night
Goals for November
Keep up with the Stonehell session reports, and get at least 1 Caves of Chaos session report written per week.
Friday, November 1, 2024
Rappan/Stonehell: This session could have been an email
Nick, Fighter 7 (Me)
Borumar, Triton Thief (Josh)
Blotto, Goblin Fighter (Lanse)
Morgana, wizard (Rob)
Koltic, Cleric 7 (NPC)
Aroon, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Jameth, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Lor’Koth, Dwarf 5 (NPC)
This entire session was upkeep and paperwork.
Borumar studied with a bow master
Blotto trains other people in town in the art of using a fishing pole(arm) and also spends time with his rust monster, who he can now successfully ride.
Nick, Aroon, Jameth, and Lor’Koth are unable to find masters to train with.
Koltic hides away, brewing some potions of super healing. Half the batch comes out poorly.
Lor’Koth commissions Morgana to make him magical plate armor of fire resistance. It takes almost months. She also makes a bracelet of air breathing for Borumar who transforms into a triton thanks to the ring he foolishly put on. After both those are done she makes a set of toy knights for her patron’s kids, then she researches the spell Disintegrate.
Borumar throws a MASSIVE city wide party that turns into rioting and results in several fires around town. Because of Borumar’s position, and Morgana’s clout, no charges are filed against him.