Karl, Dwarf 8 (Julia)
Hobart (dog)
Kili, Cleric 6 (Matt)
Boris, Cleric 5 (Jeff)
Morgana, Mage 3 (Robert)
Borumar, Thief 7 (Josh)
Joho, Mystic (Chris)
The party heads down into the dungeon, intent on exploring The Living Caves. On the way, as they pass the Hot House, they’re briefly slowed as they kill a giant spider.
Once in the caves, they come to a mud pit, which Borumar carefully searches, with a rope tied to his belt. He finds some shiny rocks, bones, and a LOT of mud...
In a deep side cave, down in a fissure, they spy a metal lockbox. With some impressive engineering and making use of the tar pit, they manage to pull the box out.
In a massive cave with a pool of water, they find some snakes, and Joho gets bit! Morgana sleeps the remaining snakes, and they’re killed while Joho turns shades of green that are highly inappropriate. “Guys, I don’t feel so good…” he says before passing out. Lacking any means to effectively treat snake venom, and worried that they won’t have time to get out of the dungeon, the party picks Joho up and they RUN as fast as they can to Kobold Korners. The market is alive and bustling, and Keeper Nolti meets them almost immediately. Seeing the situation, the party calls in the favors they’d been offered for the gears a little while back. Nolti sends Joho to the bathhouse.
While Joho is tended to, with Borumar looking on, and being taken care of himself, the rest of the party does some shopping. Karl buys candy from the giant caterpillar with weirdly human hands. Boris acquires a bottle of antivenom and a bottle of strength from The Phairy Pharmacist.

Renting out the inn, the party crashes for the night.
Gains: lock-box coins, gems, candy
Kills: Spider, snakes
Gains: lock-box coins, gems, candy
Kills: Spider, snakes
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