Of course with such intense studying, my brain is doing its usual thing and trying to distract me with various hobby related things. Specifically it seems to be focused on building terrain. I really want to build some ruined jungle temple terrain for Frostgrave, and some industrial terrain… I don’t actually have a game in mind for that, I just wanna. I might be able to redirect that particular urge into scratch building some spaceship models, but...
Stonehell has been delightfully deadly of late. I’ve restocked the upper levels for my lower level players. I’m making it a little more fae, a bit more twisted. And I’ve installed an NPC mage into the old wizard’s school. I’ve also sprinkled some more treasure around. The injured dragon is all healed up (have I gotten that far in the writeups yet?)
Barely any work on minis this month, which is slightly more work than I did last month. I did manage to finish off a character mini for the green knight half orc paladin in the Curse of Strahd game I dropped out of. Still need to give it to the player. I also painted up this little familiar.
I’ve got a few things prepped on my tray, and I’m going to give my brain a few breaks here and there over the next few weeks, so, who knows, I might actually get something done. Question is, should I do something easy like a bunch of goblins, or focus on some character minis? How about some rats?

Movies/TV Watched
Star Trek Picard
Books Read
Pass the CPA exam
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