For June, I completed May’s Hangout Figure of the Month, the gnoll archer, along with a gnoll trooper from Bones II. I also completed the Black Orc Archer June Hangout Figure of the Month (which will be posted about on Monday)
Bones 3 arrived, and my lovely bride picked the werebat for me to paint first. It's just about done.
He's more done than this, but I haven't taken any more recent pics.
I haven't worked on the Roman Centurion at all, but with the release of 40K 8th edition, I was inspired to paint something from that line. It turns out the only figure I have with me though is a limited edition Witch Hunter from... the early 2000's? Anyway, he doesn't have much paint on him yet.
I'm also cleaning up mold lines on these ladies for a ReaperCon entry.

As this is the halfway point in the year, it’s also a good time to figure out just how many minis I’ve painted… And a quick could the total comes to 20! Goblins, Orcs & half orcs, Gnolls, Elves, and Time Lords & phone box. Plus I made a ship.
Not bad! If I can keep up this rate I should be able to paint upwards of 40 minis by the end of the year. According to my calculations, that should mean that I’ll run out of minis sometime around 2080! If I don't buy anymore. Heh... I'm hoping that I'll actually come closer, or even break 52 minis by the end of the year. With a bit of a push I should be able to make it.
I also got to play a game of Frostgrave, and kicked some serious ass (more thoughts on that on Tuesday). And I've got 2 weekly D&D games going, which is a little crazy, and a lot great!
Next month’s minis goals
Finish the Mailees, the Roman, and the Witch Hunter
Paint the July Hangout Figure of the Month: Ogre
Make a decent dent on at least 1 ReaperCon entry (the ladies above)
Books Read: 29 (so far this year, not this month)
Since moving I’ve gotten a whole bunch more reading done. Just getting the time during my commute and at lunch time, plus sometimes reading at the park with the girls in the afternoon has made a huge difference! Definitely going to hit my goal of 60 books this year. And for the first time in years, it isn’t going to be mostly audiobooks!
I’ve been on a bit of a Bujold Vorkosigan Saga kick, plowing through the series. Going back into May, I’ve ready everything through Memory, and only stopped there because I didn’t have it on the kindle.
I also read one of the Supernatural books I picked up at Balticon (it was okay)
The Arabian Nights: Their Best-Known Tales, published in 1909, and free on the kindle. Of the 200+ stories in the traditional tales, this slim e-volume only has 10, and while I’m no scholar of fairy tales or the Arabian Nights, nor very experienced in translations of Arabian to English literary works, I can tell you that this free e-book was maybe worth the price.
I'm currently reading The Best of Charles de Lint and Star Trek The Lost Era 2298 The Sundered.
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