Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Goblin Bottle

"Some say they bring good luck." Feris pointed out helpfully.

"It's disgusting." Allianora all but yelled.

Nimble frowned. "Who are we to judge?" It's not like we haven't taken trophies from some of our kills."

"Did it just blink?" Rathgar peered closer at the jar. "I swear, it just blinked."

"I wouldn't get too close, you'll get it upset." a craggy old voice called out from the dark interior of the cottage. "And then it'll be days before it's of any use." Tall and thin, the old man stooped to pass through the door

Alice Tochylovska Goblin Head Specimen

This necromatic device requires the head of a goblin shaman or wokan. The creation process imbues it with the spark of undeath, and preserves the goblin's knowledge, and also taps into the resonance of the plane of negative energy. Goblin bottles are excellent at sniffing out necromatic magics within 120' or other magic items within 60' for up to 30 minutes per day. It will always direct the user toward a necromatic object before directing toward a non-necromatic object. Otherwise, it will always go toward the most powerful object within range. 

Unfortunately for anyone wanting to use it, it only responds to commands spoken in goblin, and only with a successful reaction roll (7+) once per day. Failure will result in a -7 penalty to the roll that decreases by 1 every 24 hours.

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