Sadly I had to cancel 2 work D&D sessions in a row this month. The first because I had been up all night the night before with a sick dog… I’m pretty sure it was the ant trap I found chewed up. She’s better now, but it was a rough night. There were also a couple of other rough nights when we discovered she really doesn’t like thunderstorms. This past secession they attacked the lizardmen mound, and thanks to some lucky rolls, and judicious use of oil and sleep spells, managed to take out the main warriors of the tribe, collected a chunky gold necklace, and flee to safety. The first character has made level !
The Rappan game is going well. We faced some eldritch horrors and survived… just. Had the fight ended up going a little longer, or had there been even one more of them, it would have been a TPK.
You know when things just get too cluttered to make progress? I hit that point and needed to clean off my desk. And then more than a week went by before I put a brush to a mini. And then 2 minis I finished up, I put some clear coat on them, and it fogged up! I ended up having to repaint them. I also painted up a Stargrave psycher, and her cool base. Unfortunately the base and the mini don’t really go great together. It wasn’t the best month, mini-wise.

I’ve got a couple other stargrave minis I’m working on, and an oldhammer sorceress… Not sure what else will hit the table this month. Still need to finish off the big demon's base. I should probably do that this month.
Star Trek Prodigy season 2 rewatch
The Umbrella Academy season 4 - WHAT THE FUCK?!?
Goals for September
Build a 6’ tall monster spider for Halloween
Play scenario 3 for Hope Eternal
Try to get at least 2 session reports written per week.