Once dry I re-primed with Brown Liner, I generously sloshed on Muddy Brown with Redstone Shadow. This also went all over the base.
I followed that up with another coat this time adding Rich Leather to the mix.Then I added Tanned Leather and gave it a gentler dry brush. I used Old West Rose mixed with the brown for the snout and around the bottom of the eyes. The teeth and horns (spikes?) were painted with Tanned Leather and a little bit of Linen White and then lightened up further near the tips with linen white. Then I gave him a clear coat to finish it off.
The base was then flocked with a combo of different materials, the same as I used with Blightfang, including a forest floor mix and basic flock. And with that? He’s done and ready for the tabletop.
Total Minis Painted in 2018: 36
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