Monday, May 6, 2024

Stonhehell: Deeper into the Hermitage

Session 231 was played on 10/15/23

Morgana, Magic User (Rob)
Blotto, Goblin Fighter (Lanse)
Koltic, Cleric 7 (NPC)
Aroon, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Jameth, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Lor’Koth, Dwarf 5 (NPC)
Nick, Fighter 7 (Me)

The party investigates past the entry hall, finding the side passages to the now burned guard posts, then heads south, deeper into the hermitage. It’s a running battle as Draugrdwergs continue into the hall as the party moves. Several domiciles spill out combatants, and then a tougher foe, a priest and a pair of hellhounds. In spite of their demonic powers, the hellhounds and priest fail to hurt the party before they’re chopped down.

Deeper still, another domicile reveals another 4 Draugrdwergs. 3 are cut down, and one is badly injured and captured. He isn’t very forthcoming, but between the cursing and insults, he reveals that their king with the magic hammer that they ask about is ready for them to the northeast, and they should make their peace. Lor’Koth kills him, and they prepare to meet with the Draugrdwerg King.

Kills: Draugrdwergs, Draugrdwerg priest, hellhounds

Friday, May 3, 2024

Stonehell: Hermitage Back Door

 Session 230 was played on 10/12/23

Morgana, Magic User (Rob)
Blotto, Goblin Fighter (Lanse)
Koltic, Cleric 7 (NPC)
Aroon, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Jameth, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Lor’Koth, Dwarf 5 (NPC)
Nick, Fighter 7 (Me)
Karl, Dwarf 9 (Julia)

After resting up, the party heads back into the sewers. Morgana collects the day-old slime stirge corpse for research purposes. Avoiding the door into the Hermitage, they circle around and end up in a large open room with 4 ten foot deep pits around a 20’ tall amorphous (but vaguely female) statue with 4 pseudopods sticking out of it. Investigating the pits, there’s a faint shimmering above each, right at floor level. 3 of the pits are empty, but the 4th has weird 2’ tall slime babies. Blotto and Karl pee on the statue.

Continuing north they come to another door into the Hermitage. Between Morgana and Borumar, they unlock the door. Beyond is a large entry hall lit very faintly by blue gem lanterns. The lamps seem to provide more shadow than light, so Blotto tossed in a coin with Continual Light cast on it. The coin briefly illuminates the room, flares for a brief moment, and then the light fades. The blue gem lanterns on the other hand get slightly brighter. And in that time Blotto is hit by a crossbow bolt.

The light flare did show Blotto where the arrow slits in the wall were so he rushes in to the north side and tosses a troll larynx through it, then grabs for 2 of the lanterns. He’s hit again. Morgana expertly shoots a fireball through the arrowslit in the south wall. Karl rushes in and as the arrow slit is too small for his hammer, shoves a loaf of dwarf bread through, hitting a Draugrdwerg solidly in the nose. Morgana yells “Marshmallow!” and Karl ducks. Blotto is confused, but Karl grabs him just as the fireball explodes behind the northern arrowslits.

Kills: 4 Draugrdwergs

Thursday, May 2, 2024

April ‘24 In Review

Another hectic busy month, with a vacation right in the middle of it that just didn’t feel entirely worth it having to come back to a pile of things that needed to be done asap. The most time intensive of those I only just finished. I'll be glad when the audit is over mid-May. Then I can maybe take that day off for myself. 

On the home front we got a new roof installed. Hopefully between the basement repairs and the new roof this will be the end of the various leaks I've had to deal with.


Got in a single session of Necessary Evil, and a couple of Stonehell/Rappan Athuk. The party just wiped out most of a Bugbear outpost, and then encountered an ancient magic using red dragon. We managed to not get eaten, and fled her territory, continuing on our way toward that temple that we need to clean out.


A slower month, but I’m still pleased with what I’ve got done. The sci-fi troopers I mentioned last month I haven’t touched since, and they’re all so close to done, but… instead I worked on the remaining Chainmail drakes, and a mummy lord and lady, and a rat. I also slapped together a piece of line of sight blocking terrain from some scrap bits of plastic I had kicking around. 

Resident Alien
Star Trek Discovery

Goals for May
Play scenario 3 for Hope Eternal (gonna happen some month…)
Try to get at least 2 session reports written per week.
Take a day off and make some terrain

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Stonehell: Body Dump Interrupted

Session 229 was played on 10/1/23

Morgana, Magic User (Rob)
Blotto, Goblin Fighter (Lanse)
Koltic, Cleric 7 (NPC)
Aroon, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Jameth, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Lor’Koth, Dwarf 5 (NPC)
Nick, Fighter 7 (Me)

Exploring deeper in the sewers the party finds and destroys the stirge nest, and then comes to a room with 4 floating orbs that spin lazily around the room. They’re purple and not entirely solid, showing a little wobble as they orbit the center of the room. Everyone decides its best not to mess with the orbs, and they continue on.

As they open the next door, they see half a dozen grey dwarves with weirdly black veins that shift under their skin far too much, as they’re about to dispose of a body in a sack into the flowing sewage.
“Sorry, wrong door” Blotto explains as he tries to close the door. The grey dwarves are having none of it, and yank the door back open. They were not counting on Morgana summoning a water (sewage) elemental behind them. 6 are quickly slain. The bodies are checked, including the one in the big sack. It contains a very emaciated minotaur. Lopping a head from one of the dwarves, they take it, and the minotaur body back to the minotaur guard.

From the guard’s post, they head to a small side room, fireballing the nest of spiders within, quickly clean it out, and then Morgana uses Hallucinatory Terrain to hide the room, and the party stops to rest. While they rest, a couple of spiders check out what was their nest, but are deterred by the spell.

Kills: 6 Draugrdwerg, 4 spiders

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Stonehell: Dipping their toes in the sewer

Session 227 was played on 9/24/23

Morgana, Magic User (Rob)
Blotto, Goblin Fighter (Lanse)
Koltic, Cleric 7 (NPC)
Aroon, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Jameth, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Lor’Koth, Dwarf 5 (NPC)
Nick, Fighter 7 (Me)

Agreement in hand, the party leaves the Fire Beetle Bar, and heads through the Blood Horn Gang’s territory up into the lost rooms and toward the sewers. Morgana used her map scroll to fill in the area. They poked about the weird floating rocks room, the stone dome room, and then headed up past the sewer gate, getting the attention of another Blood Horn who was on lookout.

Once into the sewers they were almost immediately set upon by 7 weird stirges. Not only were they harder to kill, they were also… gooey. Both Morgana and Blotto get bitten but the monsters were killed before they could do too much damage.

Kills: 7 Slime Stirges

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Stonehell: Hiring Mercenaries

Session 227 was played on 9/17/23

Morgana, Magic User (Rob)
Blotto, Goblin Fighter (Lanse)
Koltic, Cleric 7 (NPC)
Aroon, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Jameth, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Lor’Koth, Dwarf 5 (NPC)
Nick, Fighter 7 (Me)

Gathering in the manor, the party reviews their maps, and plans their next excursion. Heading in through the front door, they swing by Rocky and ask the following:
Q How to get into the Hermitage?
A: 4 Ways, The Front Door, the Sewers, and from Below
Q: How to raise and train rust monsters?
A: Carefully
Q: What traps await in the sewers?
A: Traps that aren’t there, Gems that Wander, and a Drink that will take you far away.

 Into the Quiet Halls, they shoo a fire beetle away, and Koltic sends a half dozen shuffling zombies back into their eternal rest. Taking the teleporter down to the Vrilyan halls, they escort Yagrick back to the casino, and then return to the Fire Beetle Bar.

Talking to the dower Crope, he suggests that if they’re serious about assaulting the Hermitage, that they should talk to the minotaurs to get passage through their territory. Crope makes an introduction and during the initial discussion Morgana manages to catch the ear of the 15 dwarven traders who stopped into the bar rather than hang out with the Vrilya, and they misunderstand what’s going on, thinking Morgana and the minotaurs are planning on taking out their caravan.

Borumar soothes the situation out while Morgana gets the Blood Horn tribe to not only allow passage, but to make an assault on the front gate (as a diversion) in 48 hours. It costs her 6,000gp, plus a 300gp bonus for every confirmed dwarf casualty. Crope serves as witness and the contract is signed.

Kills: 7 zombies
Losses: 6,000gp to the Blood Horn tribe (paid in advance)

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Stonehell: Insert Training Montage Here

Session 226 was played on 9/10/23

Morgana, Magic User (Rob)
Blotto, Goblin Fighter (Lanse)
Koltic, Cleric 7 (NPC)
Aroon, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Jameth, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Lor’Koth, Dwarf 5 (NPC)
Nick, Fighter 7 (Me)

Downtime! A grand tournament in town meant a number of weapons masters and even grand masters were available for lessons. Over the course of 8 weeks everyone manages to level up their skills, except for Nick, who failed training both with a spear master and an ax master.

Blotto works diligently at training the rust monsters, but their limited intellect made the process slow. So far he’s succeeded at training them to wait to eat, and gotten one to wear the makeshift saddle without too much complaint.

Over the 2 months Yagrik gets increasingly nervous about being above ground, and everyone agrees that it’s about time they return to Stonehell, and get him back to work.

Gains: Cloak of Displacement