Saturday, October 23, 2010

Monthly Audience Patricipation for November

50 followers, 90 Google subscribers (there is probably some overlap), and some of you must have something you'd like me to write about!  This is your chance!  That topic you want another opinion about, or the one you don't want to write about yourself. 

Leave a comment!  Let me know!


  1. What are your three most favorite game mechanic innovations from 4E, and why? Also, what are your three least favorite game mechanic innovations from 4E, and why?

    Color Me Curious,

  2. Hi David. Where do I go to learn how many subscribers I have?

    Also, I'm in Subcriber stats and see something reading, Submit feed as Sitemap. What does that mean? I'm new to all of this.

    Much Thanks :-)

  3. Hi Again. I just found the page that explains what a Sitemap is. I found it two seconds after I asked you about it.


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