After washing, scrubbing, and glueing her to a 1" base, I based her with brown liner, and then gave her a coat of Reaper's Dragon Green (I think). Her belly scales were painted with Tanned Leather (again, I think). Eyes and fangs were painted with Linen White, with heraldic red for her tongue, and the pattern on her scales (I'm sure on these two).
The red isn't shown above, but you can sort of see it in the picture below.
At this point I added a bit of greenstuff to the base, used brown liner on it, and then washed the whole mini with Sepia Wash. It ended up darker than I was expecting. Mostly this is because there was a tiny bit of brown liner still in the small well I was using, and so also made Medusa a lot darker than just a normal sepia wash would. Since I wanted it to really shadow the scales, this ended up working out. It also had the benefit of bronzing her skin more than I expected, but I guess when you add sepia and green, that's the effect you get.
Not pictured, but I used Desert Sand to highlight the chest scales, and repaint the bow.
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