Sunday, March 31, 2024

March '24 in Review

Some months are much more up and down than others. This one was full of wild swings, and to be honest I’m happy it’s over.

I lost my Alicemonster on the 24th. She was the best beast and I miss her terribly. 

A beautiful tricolor corgi sitting behind a DM screen, with a bunch of minis and dice in front of her

It wasn’t all bad, but the bad certainly tainted the good. I got the taxes done, with a small refund. I got some solid work done on some minis, played some D&D, and even went out with a friend to see Dune 2, eat some great BBQ and play some pool.

Back in Rappan, and since it's been many months since we played on that side of things it took a few sessions to catch up on things. Amusingly we're heading away from Rappan to go raze a temple that has fallen to some sort of demonic force.

Definitely a month of random minis. I wrapped up 3 drakes from the chainmail game, an old carrion crawler, a board game demon, a 3d printed robot, a bones 1 mage, and started working on some heresy minis sci-fi troopers and a GW Tau Ethereal. 

Ted lasso
Resident Alien
Dune 2
Star Trek Voyager
Delicious in Dungeon

Goals for April
Play scenario 3 for Hope Eternal (gonna happen some month…)
Try to get at least 2 session reports written per week.
Take a day off and make some terrain

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