Friday, May 3, 2024

Stonehell: Hermitage Back Door

 Session 230 was played on 10/12/23

Morgana, Magic User (Rob)
Blotto, Goblin Fighter (Lanse)
Koltic, Cleric 7 (NPC)
Aroon, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Jameth, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Lor’Koth, Dwarf 5 (NPC)
Nick, Fighter 7 (Me)
Karl, Dwarf 9 (Julia)

After resting up, the party heads back into the sewers. Morgana collects the day-old slime stirge corpse for research purposes. Avoiding the door into the Hermitage, they circle around and end up in a large open room with 4 ten foot deep pits around a 20’ tall amorphous (but vaguely female) statue with 4 pseudopods sticking out of it. Investigating the pits, there’s a faint shimmering above each, right at floor level. 3 of the pits are empty, but the 4th has weird 2’ tall slime babies. Blotto and Karl pee on the statue.

Continuing north they come to another door into the Hermitage. Between Morgana and Borumar, they unlock the door. Beyond is a large entry hall lit very faintly by blue gem lanterns. The lamps seem to provide more shadow than light, so Blotto tossed in a coin with Continual Light cast on it. The coin briefly illuminates the room, flares for a brief moment, and then the light fades. The blue gem lanterns on the other hand get slightly brighter. And in that time Blotto is hit by a crossbow bolt.

The light flare did show Blotto where the arrow slits in the wall were so he rushes in to the north side and tosses a troll larynx through it, then grabs for 2 of the lanterns. He’s hit again. Morgana expertly shoots a fireball through the arrowslit in the south wall. Karl rushes in and as the arrow slit is too small for his hammer, shoves a loaf of dwarf bread through, hitting a Draugrdwerg solidly in the nose. Morgana yells “Marshmallow!” and Karl ducks. Blotto is confused, but Karl grabs him just as the fireball explodes behind the northern arrowslits.

Kills: 4 Draugrdwergs

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