Monday, August 26, 2019


Once again, when I should have been focusing on ReaperCon, I found myself wanting to paint something simple and quick. Sadly I didn't get pictures right at the start. But there are Nienna, Female Elf Ranger (x2), Elladan, Elf Ranger, and Callie, Female Rogue.

They were all washed in warm soapy water, and primed with Brown Liner. I used Dragon Red, Dragon Green, Olive Grey, Red Leather, Rich Leather, Nut Brown, Cats-Eye Green, Cloudy Grey, Dirty Bone, and Linen White.

As much as I dislike what R.A. Salvatore did to my game in 2e with Drizzt Do'Urden the emo dark elf, it is an iconic looking figure, so... why fight it?

I still need to do something with her face, and all their bases, but otherwise, they're done.

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