Friday, August 16, 2024

Rappan: Quest Options & Castle Upkeep

 Session 246 was played on 3/11/24

Borumar, ½ Orc Thief (Josh)
Blotto, Goblin Fighter (Lanse)
Koltic, Cleric 7 (NPC)
Aroon, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Jameth, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Lor’Koth, Dwarf 5 (NPC)
Nick, Fighter 7 (Me)

After Nick and the rest of the party clean up, Nick finds the visitor, and has a sit down with him. He calls himself Kelman, says he’s heading north on an important journey, but heard about Nick and company, and thought they’d like to know about a temple of the Blue God to the south that was struck by an earthquake and since then it’s gates have been closed and weird sounds have been heard. Additionally local children and livestock have been born with deformities, and people nearby have been getting sick.

It sounds like a promising quest. Nick decides to chat it over with the rest of the group before agreeing to the trip. Kelman does warn Nick that there’s a potential dragon encounter that they might have on the way, but that he has a flag that will allow them safe passage. Nick grills Kelman about the dragon, an adult that lives on an island off the coast, and collects tribute. After dealing with the temple, it might be worth doing some dragon hunting…

After meeting with Kelman it’s time to survey his castle and check in with the residents. The demonic birds are doing well, and their numbers are up to about 10. Getting their attention takes a little work, so Nick suggests a specific gong outside the tower, and the matriarch agrees.

Checking out the kobold construction, he visits the nursery, and looks at the spider silk production, but declines the opportunity to participate in the giant spider riding rodeo planned for the evening.


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