
Monday, September 9, 2024

Rappan Athuk: A Roc and a wet place

Session 252 was played on 5/5/24

Nick, Fighter 7 (Me)
Borumar, ½ Orc Thief (Josh)
Blotto, Goblin Fighter (Lanse)
Morgana, wizard (Rob)
Gimble, wizard (Scott)
Koltic, Cleric 7 (NPC)
Aroon, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Jameth, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Lor’Koth, Dwarf 5 (NPC)

At the water's edge, they pull out the boat box, and struggle to remember the activation word. Eventually they get it in the water, and while trying to remember, say “boat” and it becomes a boat. Amazingly/Depressingly Blotto is the only member of the party with any experience with sailing, and it falls to him to direct the rest of them in getting the boat moving in the right direction.

About 4 hours after hitting the water, a giant roc is seen approaching. Crossbows and fireballs are readied, and loosed as the bird closes in. The roc is a little put off by the assault, and misses its attack on the boat. More bolts, a lightning bolt, and Blotto’s new paralyzing fishing pole arm get tossed at the roc. The fishing line hits and the roc fails its save, and drops into the water, eventually drowning. Botto ropes the corpse and they drag it on their way.

3 hours later Blotto feels some tugging on the line. Sharks are feasting on the corpse of the roc. Blotto manages to paralyze one shark, sending it to the bottom of the ocean.

5 hours later they finally make it to the far shore, and drag the boat and the corpse of the roc into the shallows. The body of the roc has been gutted, but some shark teeth are recovered from the corpse. Morgana takes some feathers.

Setting up a late camp, they attract the attention of a pack of wolves. Not wanting to bother, they chuck roc meat at them until they go away.

Gains: roc corpse
Kills: roc

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