
Thursday, August 1, 2024

July ‘24 In Review

At the very end of the month, we added a new member of the family. Welcome Tasha! She’s about 3 years old, and while not a puppy, she’s full of energy and seems to be settling in nicely. 

We’ve also been dog sitting a friend's dog all month, so it’s been a nice chance to get back into the swing of having a dog. It is something of an adjustment having to deal with a dog that can reach the counter top… She’s only semi-trained, so there’s work to do on everyone’s part.

We paused the Stonehell/Rappan game for most of the month as Rob was out of town, and gamewise it didn’t make sense to continue, so instead I ran Another Bug Hunt for Mothership horror RPG. It’s the first time running anything but D&D in forever, and it was nice. It’s a fun, relatively rules lite system. Not sure I managed to bring the horror, but my players had fun.

My work D&D game is getting going. Always hard to get people together in the summer with vacations and all, but I’ve had 2 solid sessions, mostly in the keep, and am looking forward to them visiting the caves again next session.

A frustrating month. I spent too much time trying to paint some Fristgrave forest bandit minis (aka Robin Hood types) and having the worst time of it. The white primer I used trying to zenithal highlight it ended up being super dusty, and nothing would stick. Eventually (and this took far too long) I gave them and a bunch of other minis that I’d primed at the same time a bath in isopropyl alcohol and a good scrub with my craft toothbrush. Things went a lot easier after that. Then I switched gears and knocked out half a dozen Blood Demons from Reaper. 

I’ve got a wide selection of minis ready to go on my desk right now, and no idea what it is I’ll really focus on next.

Resident Alien
Star Wars Acolyte
Star Trek Prodigy season 2

Goals for August
Play scenario 3 for Hope Eternal
Try to get at least 2 session reports written per week.

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