
Saturday, July 13, 2024

Stonehell: Finding the Ring, but how to use it?

Session 239 was played on 12/31/23

Morgana, Magic User (Rob)
Borumar, ½ Orc Thief (Josh)
Blotto, Goblin Fighter (Lanse)
Koltic, Cleric 7 (NPC)
Aroon, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Jameth, Fighter 5 (NPC)
Lor’Koth, Dwarf 5 (NPC)
Nick, Fighter 7 (Me)

Continuing to explore the upper caves around the box canyon, the party explores some dusty and long abandoned rooms. Borumar finds a secret door, one that apparently hadn’t been opened in a long time based on the dust and stiffness of the door. Thankfully Borumar’s orcish strength allowed him to open the door, revealing a dusty chamber with a large stone table. They immediately search the room, focusing on the table legs, and knowing generally what to look for, find the secret compartment, and the promised ring!

They immediately depart the canyon, and head for the manor. On the causeway over the swamp a swarm of giant bees attacks! Morgana sounds the horn of Valhalla and the vikings are set against the bees, and then sent into the swamp to find and destroy the nest. They do, returning with some honeycomb full of honey and eggs.

Once back at the manor, Morgana researches the ring, finding only that it’s called The Ring of the Scintillating Orb, and that it somehow will teleport the wearer and anyone touching them into Stonehell, but no info on where into Stonehell it goes to, or how to activate it.

To Rocky! They stumble on a group of fire beetles. Morgana sleeps them and the glow glands are harvested. Rocky is given some granite with fools gold flecks, and answers their questions.

Q1 How to get the ring to work?
A1 Find the scintillating orb and bind it to the ring
Q2 Where is the orb?
A2 In the Sepulchure of Kion
Q3 What level is the Sepulchure on?
A3 Near the top of the Majusek Sulcus

Departing Rocky, they take the teleporter in the Quiet Halls down to the trade corridor and around to the Hermitage to plan their next steps

Gains: honey, giant bee eggs, Ring of the Scintillating Orb
Kills: Giant bees, Fire Beetles

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