
Saturday, May 18, 2024

Miniatures: Chainmail Felldrakes

I've been wanting to paint more of my non-Reaper minis, and I have a good sized collection of old Chainmail minis kicking around. They're generally fun, if a little on the flat side. Not all of them were bought new, and I had in my collection these 3. The green one I painted sometime around 2001-2002. The tan one I have no memory of where it came from or who painted it. It wasn't me, I know that. The unpainted one was probably bought sometime around 2004-06 when I picked up a bunch of Chainmail minis on discount.


As I'd already painted a trio of drakes, I wanted these three to be visually consistent with them, so all three minis got primed, and then painted with Pine, Wilderness, and Naga Greens for the main bodies. I added in just a bit of Candlelight Yellow for the final highlights. I used Runic purple for the crests, and Skeleton Bone for the teeth, horns, claws and spikes.

The bases were covered with a mixed gravel that was based with brown liner, then brought up with Russet Brown and dry brushed with Cairn Stone.

And here they all are together!

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