
Thursday, February 11, 2021

Stonehell: Lost Level wanderings

Session 154 was played on 6/28

Karl, Dwarf 8 (Julia)
Boris, Cleric 5 (Jeff)
Morgana, Mage 5 (Robert)
Borumar, Thief 7 (Josh)
Daton, Fighter 4 (Jay)

Continuing in the lost level, the party comes across some giant white apes, and kills them. Then continue into an old barracks, and find a long lost hidden stash of coin in one of the dry rotted bunk posts. Beyond that, a looted map room. A trio of ghouls try to get the jump on the party, but Boris easily Destroys them.

The next chamber they come to is a large one, with several gargoyles perched on a weird fountain, blowing bubbles. The bubbles are sticky, and Borumar reaches a critical number of them and begins to float up to the ceiling. Karl and Boris grab him, stab the bubbles and keep on the ground. Across the room is an open doorway that leads to some natural caves. Following the fresh air, the party finds itself on the surface.

Heading back into the caves, after hours of crawling in the darkness they come to an opening onto a shear wall. Below, a softly glowing mist, above them the dark form of a bridge, and the bottom of a floating island. In a hidden stash just inside the opening, the find a potion.

Backtracking, they return to the bubble room, then backtrack to the hallway to the teleport chamber. They check to the east, finding a chamber with 4 pillars, each of which has a ring with 4 letters on it, and the rings spin. They try spinning the rings for a couple of combinations, but quickly give up.

Taking the teleporter they return to the Quiet Halls, and then back to town.

Lady Morgana researches Invisibility 10’ radius, Daton trains with a swordmaster, Karl expands his hat shop, Borumar trains with Captain Morgan, getting a deeper mental connection with the dog.

Gains: Small stash of coins, potion of gaseous form,
Kills: giant apes, ghouls

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