
Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Unfinished Business 2020 - The Shelf of Shame

 I mentioned before that I had a number of minis that I started in 2020 that made it to some level of painted before they were abandoned. I decided to pull them all out of their various hiding spots and look at them all together.

So, the common denominator is that they're all character minis. 8 female, 7 male. 

Let's go through them, and why I haven't finished them. 

The herbalist and the halfling both got shuffled aside when I was doing a clean off of my tray, and wanted to work on something else. I'll probably get back to them.

The pirate lady up front, I got one color on her and realized I had no idea what I actually wanted to fo with her, so decided to stop. When I get inspired, I'll get back to her.

The duelist was for the D&D game I was playing in, which ended. Same with the thief girl who is nearly done. 

The Spanish Inquisition... I couldn't get the red where I wanted it, and was getting frustrated.

The mystic woman in red with the fancy trim on her robe. The fancy trim takes a lot of effort.

The celtic lads... honestly they just need a tiny bit of work on their weapons, maybe a bit of shading. Really need to finish them off soon. 

Elf lady in the back... I decided I hated the color combo I picked out. Probably going to repaint her completely.

The two matching druids... I wanted to try painting the bones and metal version of the same mini at the same time, then got distracted.

The wizard... Not even sure he should count. I pulled him out to use up some extra paint from the galaxy cloak class I took. 

All in all adding 15 minis to the shelf of shame wasn't too bad, but I think I'm going to try to take at least half of them off of it this year. We'll see what I get to. I think the Spanish Inquisition minis will probably be first, since I just need to get the red up, and I really should be able to do that. Them and the celtic lads will be easy. 

So what's on your shelf of shame?

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