
Monday, December 14, 2020

Games Workshop Skulz Adeptus Mechanicus Servitor

Way back in the 90's, Games Workshop had a rewards program where if you collected certain number of "Skulz" you could redeem them for cool stuff.
I missed most of this, and never earned enough skulz to collect anything, but I somehow managed to get my hands on the little servitor that came with the 100 skulz Adept Mechanicus set. I don't know where he came from, or when I got him, but a little while back I noticed him while digging through a random bag of mostly Space Marine bits.

So I decided to paint him. One interesting thing about him is how subtle he is as compared to so many other GW minis. He isn't over sculpted, garishly decorated with too many cogs and skulls. Sometimes less is more.

As usual, I started with a warm soapy scrub with my hobby toothbrush, then glued him to the top of one of my homemade painting handles. I primed him black, and got to work. He was a quick single evening bit of fun, and an uncomplicated paint job, but sadly I didn't keep track of which paints I used on him, but I'm going to make best guesses...
The chest was a blade steel, with dragon gold accents. The face was tanned flesh and scholar flesh. the hair was the red hair triad. The book and boots were painted as black leather. The pages were painted with a sand color. I don't remember what red I used on the robe.

Then it was time to decide how to base him... that took a little longer. But in the meantime, to give you a good idea of just how small he is....


But back to basing. I've been watching a lot of youtube terrain videos, and decided to put some of that to good use. I started with a used up gift card, and started cutting...


Aiming for some sort of futuristic deck plating...

After the glue was dry, I trimmed it to the edge of the base. No need for it to extend over the base. I added that little step area at the back to help fill in the space, since he's such a little dude. I didn't want him to look lost on a big empty base.

Then I added a bead and a bit of floral wire. Drilled some holes to add texture to the otherwise flat panels.

Then some more wire...

 Placement looks good. Time to get it painted. 

Primed black, drybrushed with styryz metal primer. Added hazard stripes to the side of the raised area, and painted the wires with red, yellow, and green. The bead I painted to look like it's maybe glowing?

For a quick little project, I'm rather pleased with the results.


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