
Monday, June 15, 2020

Kornovik the Outcast (pt 2)

More work on my Kornovik.  First, I cut more of the orc away from the beast. The stub I'd left behind was just too much to work with, so off it went. Gonna be interesting to see if I'll be able to sculpt in the thighs well enough to blend the torso with the legs that I didn't cut away. 




After all the cutting, I finished sculpting in the fur. You can't really tell except on the left flank. Most of the other spots were hard to photograph and harder to reach, like the inside of legs. Once that was done I started to sculpt in the saddle and a bag with a strap over the back of the beast. The original mini has a much taller saddle, but my initial attempts to recreate it didn't work so this lower rounder shape is what I ended up with. I think it works...  But now I have to wait for the greenstuff to cure before I can do anything else.



And here are a few bonus shots with the rider, bow and quiver dry fitted on to give an idea of how it'll look. 





  1. Looks like he skipped leg day at the gym.

    1. Yeah... It ended up being something I needed to address. That stumpy orc leg just didn't work...


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