
Thursday, April 30, 2020

Stonehell: a-maze-ing adventures!

A special retro post today. It was pointed out to me by one of my players that I somehow missed posting this session report! Thankfully I have them all in one big google doc. Enjoy!

Session 73 was played on 7/22

Eiric, wizard 7 (Kat)
- men at arms (Alias the Elf, Eddard “Sunny Jim”)
Brie, wizard 4 (Apprentice to Eiric)
A-A-Ron, Thief 6 (Henchman)
Daryll, Cleric 6 (Henchman)
Orpheus, Human Fighter 6 (Henchman)
Karl, Dwarf 7 (Julia)
- Hobart (dog)
- men at arms (Modar)
Lex the Cheeseman, Fighter 4 (Henchman)
Koltic, Cleric 3 (Chris)
- men at arms (Medrick)

Still in the maze, the party decides that the remaining glowing runes need to be checked. A-A Ron disappears and Medrick ends up crushed by a falling block, Then Karl reappears, loaded down with treasure. Koltic’s rune opens the maze doors. And Eiric and the rest of the party come in and Eiric sobs at the death of A-A-Ron, and gathers some of the dust from the spot where he vanished. A-A-Ron returns a few minutes later, also with treasure. Eiric again cries with relief. Deciding that that’s enough of that, the party opts to return to town.

Getting out of the dungeon isn’t easy, and they stumble on a squad of heartless, who scare Brie, A-A-Ron, Koltic, and Mordar who all run. Rather than face the heartless, the rest of the party chases after them. While running they’re set upon by 2 spectres. Daryll turns one, and the other is chopped down by Orpheus and Lex.

Almost out of the dungeon, they’re then swarmed by over a dozen giant rats, and while they take several minor bites, no one suffers any lasting illness.

Back in town, the sword and other magics are identified. A-A-Ron takes the sword Slider from Karl, and the sword is happier with the change. Among the treasures recovered was a map to a new section of the dungeon…

Eiric and Brie study the runes from the spell chambers, continue their research on developing the spell Darkvision, and go shopping for some real estate.

Gains: Coinage, map, and a scroll
Kills: Giant Rats, Spectres

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