
Thursday, April 23, 2020

Retro Review: The Phantom Menace

I recently got Disney+, because why not. We're living in a pandemic, and it isn't like I can go out for a fun night on the town. And they've got the Star Wars movies, and since I'm going to be stuck inside for a while, why not watch them all? It's been a long time since I've seen most of them, especially the prequels, even though I listen to the soundtracks pretty often.

So, Episode I:

The Phantom Menace.

Everyone remembers how bad this is, right?

Well... maybe not as bad as you remember.

And look, I'm not saying it's GOOD. It has some good stuff in it, but... a trade blockade? Senate maneuverings? This isn't exactly exciting stuff to be basing an action adventure movie around. And yes, the performances are a little wooden, and the dialogue is kinda painful, and yes midichlorians.

We don't even need to get into the racism. Others have covered it way better than I ever could.

I get it. I could honestly fill several blog posts with criticism. But it's all been said, and it all overshadows the fact that there is a lot to enjoy in The Phantom Menace.

You get some amazing jedi action, fun call backs to the original trilogy, the pod race is actually kinda fun, and the music is amazing. Droid armies are cool, getting to see Coruscant, bounty hunters, death sticks, air speeders, the jedi council, slightly younger yoda, Darth Maul!! While criminally under utilized, Darth Maul was great, and anyone who says they didn't want a double ended lightsaber is LYING.

I really do with that George Lucas could have had someone on staff to help clean it up though, and maybe someone else direct it.

It was also built up with such hype that it couldn't have ever lived up to it. Look at what happened with Episodes 7-9.

Episode 1 isn't a great Star Wars movie... but it's an okay one. Give it another shot when you get the chance. There's some stuff to celebrate.


  1. Episode 1 had mediocre or horrible characters combined with wonderful action set pieces.

    For me the real problem is I don't care about the backstory details of characters. I'd rather have had a proper trilogy following Jedi, one showing the Rebels taking on the Regional Governors, splinter groups, and the Hutts.

    1. Yeah, the focus of Star Wars on the Skywalker clan has been a mistake... and hopefully now that the trilogy of trilogies is over, we'll get more of the universe.

  2. Ruprecht, if you have not checked it out already, the Rebels series gives you all that and more. IMO it is the best Star Ward since the original trilogy.

  3. At the beginning of our current status-quo for Earth prime, I also did a re-watch. The human actors in the film are completely devoid of life, emotion, fun, or joy. But the podracing scene is one of those shining points in the Star Wars milieu. The battle with Darth Maul is fantastic and Padme is a great non-Jedi character. Overall, I don't like the film or the era, but there are parts worth celebrating.

    1. Agreed. Still wish Maul had gotten more to work with.


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