
Monday, March 16, 2020

Stonehell: Dimetri & the Dragon

Session 120 was played on 1/26

Brother Dimetri Andropov, Cleric 3 (Jeff)
Daton, Fighter 2 (Jay)
Elwin, Elf 1 (Robert)
Men at Arms - Halghild, Carmyr

On the way to Stonehell, the party encounters a merchant caravan looking nervously about, and hurrying to the City. They offer to accompany it, and they successfully do, earning 6gp each. Over paid for the work, but the party looked more impressive than they actually are.

Back toward the dungeon, the party decides to check out some of the caves, but as they’re deciding what caves to check out, the shadow of a dragon flying overhead passes over them. They run for the nearest cave, and hope that they weren’t spotted. Looking around the chamber they find themselves in, a soft glow flickers ahead. Moving deeper into the darkness they see a message written in glowing chalk

R- As agreed, the jewels await you two levels down in the chamber past the acolytes’ cells. How you deal with the wasps is your own concern! -M

Then things get even darker as the dragon lands and blocks the sun. It taunts them, and tells them to come out and play. The party opts NOT to go out and play, and heads deeper into the chambers. The dragon follows, talking all the while… the party reaches a room with no other obvious exit. They flank the doorway as the dragon approaches… the dragon is still talking… only.. Not talking.

Casting Sleep!

Daton, Halghild, Carmyr fall unconscious to the floor. The dragon chuckles at the sound of the dropping bodies, and moves forward, sticking his head through the doorway. Elwin and Demitri bring their weapons down on the dragon’s snout. It screams in pain, then tries to cast another spell, but Demitri passes his save. The dragon pulls back out of the doorway, and can be heard shuffling backward down the hall.

Elwin and Dimetri wake their friends, and then wait, listening for the dragon’s return. After what feels like forever they leave the chamber, and continue their exploration, keeping one eye out for the dragon’s return. A side chamber is inhabited by a fire beetle, that is slain, and the glowing glands harvested.

Exiting the side cave, they creep out of the shadow of the box canyon, their eyes scanning the cliff sides and the sky, but the dragon is nowhere to be seen. They hurry to the dungeon entrance, and Dimetri and Elwin add their names to the many already scribed onto the wall.

Heading through the antechamber, they make their way down around toward the stairs. Carmyr triggers a pit trap, breaking his neck in the process. The party pulls the body from the trap, but continue on their way. Down in the Asylum the stick figures going about their business all stop and look at the party as they pass. The skeleton in the hallways waves as they pass… Things seem different from the stories the party has heard of this area of the dungeon.

Then they hear a metallic buzz. Into their torchlight a humanoid figure… floats? As it comes more fully into their sight, it looks fuzzy, blurry, out of focus. Dimetri tries to turn it, and it doesn’t react. Elwin and Halghild flee in terror. Daton backs up. “Help me” it buzzes.

“How” Dimetri asks, before it surges forward, engulfing the poor cleric. Daton watches in horror as the cloud of needles that makes up this horrible monster liquifies his friend, and then Daton runs after Elwin, catching up with them at the top of the stairs. They decide to get Carmyr’s body and get out, and decide to come back for Dimetri later.

Gains: Fire Beetle gland
Kills: Fire Beetle,
Losses: Carmyr, Dimetri

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