
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Agramon the Pit Fiend Red Paint Sponge

I don’t know why, but I tend to spill/pour out more than I need with red paints. Which is odd, but it seems to be a trend. Back around when Bones 1 was delivered I had a fairly major spill, and decided that rather than just wiping it all up, I’d use it. And what else are you going to use a bunch of red paint on but a demon! Agramon the Pit Fiend was the perfect choice. Over the years I’ve spilled a bunch of different reds, and It’s finally gotten to the point where he’s about almost totally covered.

I think it’s time to finish painting him up…

First up is to base him. This is the look I’m going for with the base.

Pit Fiends are pretty up there in the demon hierarchy, and powerful, so I figure where ever they go, the ground under them becomes more hellish…

One downside to all the different reds is that it’s VERY uneven. So I’m going to give him a Red Liner coat over it all to smooth out the colors a bit. Going to try to keep it simple as far as the paint scheme goes. Maybe something like this?

I am debating a different colored Fireball though… Blue? Green? We'll see... Maybe just more yellow than red?

1 comment:

  1. Painted this bad boy up a few years back, and if memory serves his base coat was a bunch of random red leftover from painting a large brick chimney. The lava base ended up extra shinny as I sealed the lava with clear nail varnish...rock hard too. Happy painting!


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