
Monday, January 21, 2019

Stonehell: All That Glitters

Session 85 was played on 12/15

Eiric, wizard 7 (Kat)
- men at arms ()
Brie, wizard 4 (Apprentice to Eiric)
A-A-Ron, Thief 6 (Henchman) (stayed in town)
Lucrecia Thief 2 (Henchman)
Orpheus, Human Fighter 6 (Henchman)
Darryl, Cleric 6 (Henchman)
Karl, Dwarf 7 (Julia)
- Hobart (dog)
- men at arms ()
Lex the Cheeseman, Fighter 4 (Henchman)
Koltic, Cleric 3 (Chris)
- Grishnaz, Goblin
Kili, Dwarf Cleric 3 (Matt)

Deeper into the dungeon, the party finds a room of cages, some of which contain the skeletal remains of more apes. Darryl proactively turns them, and several of them just turn to dust.

Continuing their explorations they come across a room full of small furniture, and some sort of drink maker. Karl burns himself using it, but Grishnaz loves the drink that comes out of it. Beyond that are 3 small bedrooms with small goblin sized furniture. They find a bit of treasure hidden in one, and decide that that’s enough for the day, and they head back to the surface.

Back in town they resupply, and head back in, minus Kili who stays out to observe some 7th day event. Karl hires Vol, Nargos, Relbix while Eiric takes on Mulligan, Holdred, Wennick. A-A-Ron is still busy with guild business, and again sends Lucrecia.

Almost immediately they encounter a single heartless. Koltic Lex, Lucrecia, several hiringlings all run off. Karl and Orpheus charge in and hack the monster down. On the body they find a bejeweled medallion. Seeing it sparkle, the party opts to gather their lost members, and then head back to town to pawn it off.

Gains: 15,000gp Medallion, 500gp, 1,000sp
Kills: Skeletons, Heartless,

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