
Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Carousing in my Stonehell game

I've decided to tweak my house rules a bit. I decided that the carousing rules we're okay, but a little flat. Basically I've been running it so that PCs can roll a die and multiply the result by 100, and spend that much of carousing for XP. If they rolled over their level, something bad happened. As they gained levels, they moved up the dice chart, so that there would always be a chance of failure. It worked, but wasn't great.

This is the new rule going forward, though the mishap chart will vary depending on what type of carousing the players choose.

Carousing: Holy Orders
Cost = 75gp*1d4 (neighborhood event) 125*1d6 (Parish event) 200*1d8 (district/quarter-wide event) 300*1d10 (city wide)

If you roll either the maximum amount, or above your level, make a saving throw vs . On a failure, only half of the money spent gives XP, and roll on the chart below for the blunder!

1. Host a Feast Day - Even priests like to party! Sometimes too much…
  1. Bit too much of the sacramental wine. Either (1-3) you, or (4) High Priest, (5) civic official/ local celebrity (6) everyone gets totally wasted and causes a scene.
  2. Not enough for everyone. Minor riot spoils the event
  3. Uninvited Guests - rival temple crashes the party
  4. Sacrificial animal objects and gets loose.

2. Parade - Loud, festive and fun! Everyone comes out to enjoy it but…
  1. Trampled an orphan
  2. Drunken revelers trash the town
  3. Bad timing. Someone important dies the morning of the parade
  4. Funds are embezzled, and you get blamed

3. Special Service
  1. Too many candles, and you set the temple on fire, minor damage.
  2. Too many candles, and you burned the temple down!
  3. Squirrel in the holiday bush
  4. Shrimp is banned for a reason. GI issues… in front of everyone

4. Public Works
  1. Feed the Poor - Rotten food, everyone gets sick - make a saving throw vs poison or suffer a -2 to all rolls on your next adventure
  2. Clean the streets - Displace a bunch of people into another district, upsetting important people!
  3. Restore an old graveyard - Upset a restless spirit
  4. Tend the sick - And now there’s a plague. Everyone in the party must make a saving throw vs Dragon's Breath or Suffer a -1 to all rolls in the next adventure.

5. Sponsor Initiates
  1. 1d4 new novice nuns/monks
  2. 1d6 temple workers (gardeners/cleaners/cooks/etc.)
  3. 1d2 Temple Guards
  4. 1d10 missionaries
  1. Infiltration by a member of a rival faith
  2. Scandalous behavior revealed after initiation
  3. Thieves!
  4. Morons, you just can’t find good help these days

6. Commission Artwork
  1. Mural/Painting
  2. Statue
  3. Song/Score
  4. Illuminated Manuscript
  5. Play
  1. Sacrilegious
  2. Insulting to someone important/you
  3. Stolen/Vandalized
  4. Left unfinished because
    1. The artist is a flake
    2. The artist is a drunk
    3. The artist dies

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