
Saturday, May 13, 2017


Convention season is upon us!

For those in the greater Baltimore/DC metro area, next weekend (5/20) is Charm City Game Day. There are a whole host of RPGs to choose from, no matter what your preferences are. From D&D (4th & 5th) to Ghostbusters and Gamma World, Lady Blackbird, and Shadowrun, there's something to enjoy. There are still seats available, so get going and sign up for me, since I can't go...

The weekend after is Balticon! And for once, they've got their schedule online early, with an app!! Crazy... I'm not sure what I'll be going to yet, but I'll be there!

And if you've never been to a Con, I'd like to direct you to Speculative Chic: Convention Life: Con Prep, Con Crud, Con Drop. It's a great read about how to prep for a con, how to survive a con with nearly your full health, and how to recover after the adventure.

Recover from a con? I know, sounds crazy, why would you need to recover from a weekend of fun? Well, because it's stressful, even when it's fun.
So go read and then get ready for some fun!

1 comment:

  1. Didn't know about these two cons so close to home -- about a 2.5 hour drive -- so thanks! I'll have to look into them.


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