
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Nathavarr The White at #ReaperCon

Last week I finished Nathavarr the White, and entered her into ReaperCon's painting contest, where she earned a bronze medal.

In celebration, I got her professionally photographed at the con!

I also learned a lot about what I need to do to get better. Having the judges there after the awards ceremony to chat with was an amazingly beneficial thing, and I am so thankful that Reaper has the con set up that way. And honestly, the artists/judges were amazingly giving with their time and advice the entire con, not just after the contest.


  1. Congrats on your award! She really turned out beautifully! And those photos are pretty cool too. We'll need to reprise the dragon scenario next year just so you can get her on the table and into a game. :)

  2. Looks super sharp. I'm sure I mentioned this before but I really like the red/pink coming up under the white. The wings are very well done as well.

    What sorts of things were suggested to 'do to get better'?


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