
Friday, March 18, 2016

Frostgrave Terrain Stairs and Huts

A bit more progress with my $25 terrain challenge. I've built the stairs for the ruin. And by built, I mean I've cut out the pieces, and still need to scribe them before glueing them together.

Playing around with some scraps I came up with this. Also not glued together... I'm thinking about how to put it together... 3 independent pieces about an inch or so apart? Some sort of ring? A pillar? Or maybe a small gap that would provide line of sight, but block movement?

And finally I've started priming the huts. Next will be a midnight/navy blue. I've used up one bottle of Slate already... and well on the way to another. I'm going to need more once I start painting the bigger pieces.


  1. You know, you can find a great slate gray spray paint that's safe for foam work at the local craft store. It's a little pricey - ten bucks for a can - but saves a heckuva lot of effort. Got mine at Ben Franklin's, but they should carry it at any craft store worth it's salt.

  2. Good idea making the ruin higher than the street - excellent way to build in differing levels. Keep up the good work!


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