
Monday, February 8, 2016

4e Strikes Back

I'm a member of a website called that does pretty much what it says. It's a book swapping website. The nice thing about it is that it isn't a direct swap. You send books to whoever wants them and get credits, and those credits get spent to get books from other people that you want.

Well, I have some D&D books on my list, and some of them showed up.

Someone was clearly making shelf space for something else!

Not a bad assortment for what would be a very interesting campaign... especially with Monster Manual 2 and the Neverwinter campaign setting also on their way. What I'm going to do with these since I'm no longer running 4e, I don't know yet. But they sure do look pretty on my shelf!


  1. Well, there you go!

    I finally got the Games Workshop "How to paint Citadel Miniatures" book, that's been on the list for awhile. I've also got the old Foundry Miniature painting book on my list. I will probably wait a lot longer for that! :/

  2. I think 4e had some great content and wonderful locales, all of which you could still use with a bit of a conversion to your present system.

  3. Back in 2009, I couldn't get far enough away from 4E. To its credit, it pushed toward discovering other games and genres, which led to becoming a better GM, and to ultimately finding the OSR. I'm currently running Stonehell Dungeon (27 sessions in) and thoroughly enjoying it. Reading through your group's actual plays is helpful and enjoyable.


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