
Thursday, September 10, 2015

#6MMRPC Week 14: Kaladrax Kontinued

After spending several weeks staring at the base in its grey solidity, I decided that I needed to just finish it off, so I went at it... and while I was pretty happy with the stonework, the ground itself just left me feeling dissatisfied. So I painted it brown. And honestly, I'm pretty happy with it. I drybrushed some green in there, along with some lighter brown, and grey. Next I'll be adding the flock and moss to cover the skulls and treasure chest and various skulls.

I also spent a LOT of time making sure the spine showed a brown line of wash between each of the vertebra, as well as putting a drop of wash in each of the various facets.

Like I said in my first post about Kaladrax, this is a marathon! And I've reached the slog portion of things... But, amazingly enough, I have support! I just about used up my Gryphonne Sepia wash from GW, and was looking for a non-GW alternative. Bloodhowl over on the Reaper message board offered to mix me up a batch. A while later these showed up in the mail... and these are BIG bottles... about 1 fl. oz. each! And not just gryphon sepia, but dark sepia, armor wash, and black!

How cool is that?!?

1 comment:

  1. Actually that's super cool. Wish I had a wash hook-up like yours!

    Base looks very cool - natural looking rock and dirt and stuff.


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